Agile EDU exploring good practices in the vast field of education data
The Agile EDU partners have recently reviewed and updated the draft case studies and learning stories. The case studies aim to give an in-depth explanation of a phenomenon related to data use in education, including its obstacles, enablers and decisions affecting these phenomena. Semi-structured interviews, focus groups and desk research have been conducted to gather data for the development of these cases. As for the learning stories, they explain the actions of real-life practitioners and the lessons drawn from those actions. In other words, the learning stories aim to help other teachers, trainers, school administrators to make their data use-related activities in education better.
The 9 case studies explore different uses of data in education from the perspective of multiple stakeholders, such as adaptive learning technologies; single sign-on systems; using geo-data to make informed decisions on education governance etc. The 18 learning stories show practical examples to readers based on practitioners' real-life professional practices with education data (e.g. teachers, teacher trainers, ICT administrators). The outcomes of the Dialogue Lab and the Expert Validation Workshop discussions will all feed into the further development of these project outputs.
Validating case studies and learning stories through dialogue with experts
The last three rounds of Expert Validation Workshops took place in May and June 2024. These Workshops brought together researchers and educators to discuss common challenges related to data use in education. These expert discussions have helped the Agile EDU partners to identify the common questions that have implications for all the case studies, which will be publicly available at the end of the project.
The participants were asked to discuss the common issues and challenges highlighted by the cross-analysis of the first case study and learning story drafts. The 2nd Workshop (7 May 2024) focused on the key issues and challenges that were identified in the case studies, specifically concerning data regulation, rights, and privacy and data governance. The 3rd Workshop (30 May 2024) also addressed a set of draft case studies but from the aspect of educational data use for teaching and learning. At the 4th Workshop (7 June 2024) we looked at the learning stories and exchanged views on current professional practices when it comes to educational data.
Article also available in ES and PT.