Dialogue Labs

The first wave of Country Dialogue Labs have been concluded. You can learn about the outcomes in the cross-country dialogue lab report.

The first EU Dialogue Lab took place on November 10th 2023, and a summary of the event is available.

Dialogue Labs are workshops open to a wide audience, providing a neutral space for informal contacts between policy and practice organisations and other stakeholders and aim to disseminate information and collect ideas to fuel the discussion aiming at acting about the use of data for learning and its components.

The dialogue lab method, developed by Professor Kay Livingston (University of Glasgow), has been used in multiple projects that European Schoolnet coordinated or participated, including the policy experimentations TeachUP and Assess@Learning. The dialogue labs have enriched the understanding of the diverse views of education stakeholders and fostered a community of exchange in the countries where they took place.

Country Dialogue Labs

A picture containing text, vector graphicsDescription automatically generatedIn Agile EDU, there are four rounds of country dialogue labs. Each round dialogue labs take place in Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden. Country dialogue labs ensure that the collected practice examples capture the different perspectives of actors concerned. Reports on all dialogue labs feed these views into the final policy recommendations. Based on the input from the dialogue labs, the draft outputs (analytical framework, guiding questions, list of practice examples, course outline) are adapted and developed.

The dialogue labs give voice to those concerned and gradually build a learning community. They also help increase the understanding of partners' policy initiatives. Dialogue Lab discussions are framed by the literature review and the outcomes of the validation workshops and focus on implications of data use for equity/inclusion, professional development, and digital ecosystem governance. They gather the views and challenges of policy makers, local/regional education authorities, school leaders, teachers, students and publishers.

EU Dialogue Labs

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In addition to the country dialogue labs, two rounds of a common dialogue lab are organised at EU level. Representatives from the country dialogue labs and other countries (including associated partners) and EU level stakeholders take part in these events (Digital Education Hub Community of Practice, Digital Education Stakeholder Forum, JRC, etc.).

The aims of the first EU Dialogue are to discuss issues that emerged as common across countries during the country dialogue labs and to establish a learning community across countries. Based on the discussions from dialogue labs, the project shapes the list of practice examples (case studies and learning stories) and the analytical framework and template with guiding questions for the practice examples.

During the second EU dialogue lab, the participants of the first EU dialogue discuss success factors that emerge as common across countries from the country dialogue labs, how project outcomes relate to existing competence framework at EU level (DIGCOMPORG, DIGCOMPEDU, SELFIE) and how actors at different levels can collaborate to support the meaningful use of data for learning. Stakeholder validated case studies and learning stories and stakeholders' views and perspectives feeds the final policy recommendations in the project.